Mayıs, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
Sabahat Kızıldağ/Şehit Mehmet Akpınar primary school
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We are students of the 2nd grade of the integrated primary school in Bydgoszcz, Poland. We are 8 years old.In our class, non-graduate students study with us. We like to work with the design method. This is our next project. I am an assisting teacher in the integration class. I use ICT and I like working with the project method. My mum's portrait presenteation for mum
Sorina Hebel, Școala Gimnazială Hărău, Romania
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Iacob Tatiana, Scoala Gimnaziala Harau, Romania
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Ayşe Coruk/Mehmet Güleç Primary School Promotional Video
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Sabahat Kızıldağ /Şehit Mehmet Akpınar Primary School/school promotional video
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